3 Gun/Multi-Gun Training
INDIVIDUAL COST: $300 Plus $35 Range Fee
TWO STUDENTS: $330 Plus $35 Range Fee Each
GROUP of 3 to 5 Maximum: $165 Plus $35 Range Fee Each
This is not NRA Certified Training
An introduction into 3 Gun & Multi-Gun competitive shooting for experienced shooters. This training will also benefit those that have competed but want coaching to improve their performance. Refine your shooting fundamentals to be more successful in operating your guns under pressure while engaging multiple types of targets, shooting while moving, transitions between guns, mentally preparing & evaluating stages, timing when to do reloads, learning strategies, match rules, and scoring used when shooting in a competition. You can take the training with just a pistol and rifle if you don’t have an appropriate shotgun. You pay $165 when you register and if your registration is for one person then you pay the balance due of $135 the day of the training. Length of the training session will vary between four hours minimum to a maximum of seven hours, depending on the number of students.
- Safety rules
- Pistol Fundamentals Drills
- Shotgun Fundamentals Drills
- Carbine Fundamentals Drills
- Shooting Stage Preparation & Strategy
- Balancing Speed & Accuracy
- Movement While Shooting
- Transitions to Another Gun
- Rapid reloads
- Putting it all Together Live Firing
Learn the principles of run and gun style shooting. Work on individual gun skills first, then apply good fundamentals while shooting an actual shooting stage used in a competition. You will learn how to engage all targets in a stage with the least amount of movement and performing any operation of your gun you can while moving to save time. If you have been shooting 3 Gun or Multi-Gun matches and not performing as well as you would like this individual training will help you get to the next level.
Guns – Full size .380, 9mm or 40 S&W semi-auto pistol, belt mounted pistol holster, belt-mounted 2 magazine holster.
.223, 556mm, 7.62x39mm, or 300 blackout carbine with two magazines
9mm carbine with two magazines is also allowed
12 ga or 20 ga pump or semi-auto shotgun with 5+ round capacity
Ammunition – 150 rounds of factory loaded pistol ammunition
100 rounds of factory loaded rifle ammunition
75 rounds of #6 or #7.5 shotgun shells with muzzle velocity of 1200+ fps
Safety Items – Electronic ear protection and either prescription glasses or safety glasses