Why Train?

Handgun Training and Handgun Courses

Many handgun owners are either unknowingly incompetent with a handgun or aware improvement in safety and shooting are needed.

You are never going to be more than fifty percent as good in a shootout as your best day at the range. What does that tell you about training necessity and practice habits?  Even many law enforcement officers qualify on shooting proficiency just twice a year and don’t do any training on their own time to maintain the necessary skills needed in case they are involved in a shootout.  You should train at least once a month to maintain shooting skills.  Most people are of the opinion that going to a range and shooting at static bullseye targets is training; it’s not!  That only maintains minimal fundamentals and does not prepare you for self-defense or for competitive shooting.

The majority of handgun accidents are attributed to improper handling and lack of knowledge of handguns and handgun safety. We teach safety first in all our courses, as it is the most important responsibility in owning a handgun and shooting.

Our classes are limited in size so that each student receives individual attention and direction. We teach classes the right way; no cutting corners or skipping over portions of the courses. Our NRA and LTC classes are subject to being audited by either NRA or Texas Department of Public Safety and we teach them according to the guidelines and even add additional handgun training content not required. You are not just a number when you take one of our courses and we strive to give you more training than expected.

Pre-LTC Training

Training Needed Before Attempting to Pass Shooting Qualification

The Texas LTC Course does not include shooting fundamentals training and only includes handgun safety instruction. It is a course to teach the laws of Texas relating to concealed carry and where you can carry a concealed handgun and when you can legally use it in self-defense. There is no pre-training requirement, but the State of Texas expects students to know how to operate their handgun and to be able to shoot with a degree of accuracy when they take the LTC course. If you are a beginner or have never had any professional instruction, the Basic Pistol & LTC Qualification Class, or NRA Basics to Pistol Shooting Class are excellent in preparing you for the Texas LTC shooting qualification.  Both of these classes will teach you the proper fundamentals of shooting accuracy and gun safety.

What’s Your Handgun Skill Level?

1. Unknowingly incompetent

Handgun owners that never take any handgun courses, rarely practice or never practice shooting, don’t understand handgun safety, don’t know how to shoot properly, and often get innocent people killed in a life and death encounter with a criminal.

2. Aware improvement needed

Handgun owners that have limited knowledge of handguns and do practice but lack the proper safety procedures, can not shoot as accurately as they would like, and don’t know what they are doing wrong or how to improve.

3. Know they are competent

Those handgun owners that take training courses to improve their skills.  They practice regularly, understand and practice safe handling of handguns, understand the principals for accurate shooting, know how to rapidly clear handgun malfunctions, know how to properly maintain a handgun, how to properly store a handgun, and how to properly store ammunition.

4. Subconsciously competent

Those handgun owners that know safe handling of firearms, pursue continued training, practice routinely, can shoot with precision, can clear handgun malfunctions in seconds by instinct, know how to shoot while moving, and know how to produce a handgun from concealed carry and fire two rapid shots accurately.  Almost everything they do with a handgun is practiced until they can react from instinct if ever involved in a shootout.

Looking for LTC Class and Handgun training courses in The Woodlands, Conroe, Spring, Montgomery, Willis, or greater Houston surrounding areas? We’re glad you found us! Give Handgun Skills a call today 281-645-6290.


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